I am a remote sensing scientist interested in leveraging satellite data in service of natural environment and climate change-related studies.

My main scientific interests and expertise lie in (but are not limited to) time series analyses of optical satellite data.
To date, I have had the privilege to work in several research institutions, universities, and private companies in Europe and beyond, being part of projects funded by the European Commission, NASA, and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). These experiences have allowed me to grow as a researcher honing my technical and interpersonal skills.
In my everyday work, I use a suite of commercial and open-source software and tools. My early research relied mostly on IDL/ENVI. Since 2018 I have been an avid GEE user with several GEE-enabled scientific publications and GEE apps on the record. Most recently, I started to use FORCE and an ensemble of R and Python scripts chained with workflow engines.

In those (rare) moments when I am outside my office habitat, I am most likely to be found cycling, or fixing bikes / working on my next bike project (n+1). I love being active and exploring the world… but at the end of a day there is nothing better than to sit down with a book and a mug of (green) tea… happiness is to be found in quiet moments and simple things!